Our story

On the beginning of a beautiful spring, in a bright garden, all insects were getting active after a cold winter, accept for a small tiny little red beetle, she was watching the insects around her, each was busy doing something, ants, bees, Mosquitoes, grasshoppers, each had something to do, but she hadn’t, she asked herself, why couldn’t she make honey like the bees, or gather food and carry it to her house like the ants does, she felt useless because she couldn’t do anything with her small size, she went to her house and cried out of sadness that night, but she knew she can’t just stay like this forever, she had to do something .The next day the ladybird woke up very early in the morning and went out to the garden and started EATING, every plant she saw, she took a bite from it, every bush, every flower, every tree, her small bites was left on, creatures around started to question her actions, why was she eating from all the plants in the garden ? Isn’t one enough for her? no it isn’t , the ladybird was eating to grow bigger, and she knew eating from the same bush won’t help her grow, she had to take a part from everything, so she can grow up stronger and ready to work for herself; Day by day, the more the ladybird ate, the bigger she grew, when the insects noticed that she is growing and starting to help herself, they thought that she is done, she is now ready to work for herself and she is not going to ask for any help anymore, but she wasn’t , she kept saying “it’s not enough”, “it’s never enough”, “the bigger the better”; and so on the ladybug kept growing until she was capable of doing a lot of work, but she was still eating, “it’s not enough”, “it’s never enough”, “I still have a lot to achieve” she said when the others asked her why does she still want to grow, and kept eating more.

The story has no end, because the ladybird was really tempting to grow more and more, her goal was eternal, it was and would still be “never enough”, she wants to be the best of the best, not to compare herself with other insects, but to be strong to help herself and never ask for any help from the others, while the others ask for HER help, that’s what she wanted

And what we learn as humans is that we should never stop growing,” we are physically growing all the time, what do you mean by never stop growing?” you might ask, and let me tell you, we grow with our knowledge, because the more we know, the bigger we are, the better world we’d create, so it’s never enough to stop learning, because it’s never enough to be better, would you stop getting better?

So we keep learning, and never stop, we can do it, we believe in ourselves


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